
Family Tours


For over 15 years until 2018 I specialised in offering tours for families with children as young as a few months to older teenagers.

Cycling is one of the very few pastimes where parents can continue with their hobby after the arrival of children. All you need is a little encouragement and the right kind of tour.

My tours were based around good scenery, quiet roads and stops on route that appeal to adults and children alike.

Cycling on your own with children can be daunting, will they cope with the milage, will they get bored and most of all will they enjoy it? By taking a group holiday many of these worries slip away, children love cycling together, be they on the back of a Tandem or tag along or in a mini peleton under the watchful eye of adults. Many parents are pleasantly surprised with the ease with which their children cope, and with friendships made they don't stop once back at the campsite. Whilst the adults cook dinner or relax with a glass of wine, the children continue to mix and play well into the evening.

These tours fill extremely quickly, with many families returning year after year. Families make friendships and the children positively look forward to the next year. The tours that I offered were pretty unique, check out the past tours section and see what you think.

Today both James and Louise have grown up and gone to University, however the families that we met have remained friends and we still meet up on an irregular basis. The fathers are presently involved in a Gentlemans Cycling Weekend where we take it in turns to host in locations all over the country 

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